Olympiad Syllabus for School Year 6

Syllabus IMO(International Maths Olympiad):

Verbal and Non-Verbal Reasoning.Knowing our Numbers, Whole Numbers, Playing with Numbers, Basic Geometrical Ideas, Understanding Elementary Shapes, Integers, Fractions, Decimals, Data Handling, Mensuration, Algebra, Ratio and Proportion, Symmetry, Practical Geometry.Syllabus as per Section – 2.Higher Order Thinking Questions.

Syllabus IEO(International English Olympiad):

Nouns, Pronouns, Verbs, Adverbs, Adjectives, Articles, Conjunctions, Prepositions, Punctuation and Jumbled Words, Tenses, Voices, Narration, etc., Spellings, Collocations, Phrasal verbs, Idioms, Synonyms, Antonyms.Search for and retrieve information from various text types like News headlines, Brochures, Formal and Informal letters, Itinerary, etc., Acquire broad understanding of and look for specific information in Short narratives, Time-tables, News stories, Diary entry, Poster Making, Messages, etc.Ability to understand situation-based variations in functions like agreement and disagreement, Requests, Refusals, Apologies, etc.Higher Order Thinking Questions.

Syllabus NSO(National Science Olympiad):

Verbal and Non-Verbal Reasoning.Motion and Measurement of Distances, Light, Shadows and Reflections, Electricity and Circuits, Fun with Magnets, Our Environment (Water, Air Around us, Garbage in Garbage out), Sorting and Separation of Materials, Changes Around Us, The World of Living (Characteristics of Living Beings, Parts of Plants, Body Movements in Animals and Adaptation), Food and its Components, Fibre to Fabric.Higher Order Thinking Questions.


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